Telegram founder Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland over a criminal complaint filed by his significant other Irina Bolgar over allegations of child abuse, according to Forbes. The allegations surfaced after Durov's recent arrest in France and are part of a wider legal dispute, including claims of unpaid child support and a bitter custody battle...
An Australian man has been jailed for three years after he unexpectedly received a multi-million dollar refund from his significant other, it was reported on August 13. Jatinder Singh, 39, pleaded guilty to stealing $4.40 million at Victoria County Court and was sentenced. In May 2021, Singh tried to use his significant other bank account to deposit $65 into account, but was rejected due to name discrepancies, and the account was refunded 10.47 million Australian dollars (a...
Byun Young-oh, CEO of South Korean tech company Wacon, has been arrested on suspicion of planning an ETH-related cryptocurrency scam. The Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office will indict Byun and another suspect, Yeom, for fraud. The MainEthernet wallet service operated by Wacon will not be able to withdraw cash normally in the summer of 2023. When Byun met with investors last November, it said it would refund the money to investors, saying "it will take only four months to resolve all iss...
On August 6th, according to the official news of WazirX, due to the cyber attack on its multi-signature wallet, WazirX has reported the case to the police, and the police have opened a case on the matter. The case was filed under the BNS and IT Act at the Lodhi Colony Special Team Police Station in New Delhi on August 5th, 2024, and was handled by the Delhi Police Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations Unit (IFSO). WazirX said it has full confidence in the investigation agency and will ful...
According to Spot On Chain monitoring, Justin Sun may have lost $66 million due to the 10% drop in the price of Ethereum today. From February to June, he purchased 361,000 ETH through 3 wallets at an estimated cost of $1.10 billion, including: 169,604 ETH through 0x7a9 in February, with an average price of $2870; 176,117 ETH through 0x435 in April, with an average price of $3,177; 15,416 ETH through 0xdbf in June, with an average price of $3,474. Twenty-four hours ago, he also made a profit of $...